Shana Tova from Jerusalem!
Shana Tova, or "a good year" to you. At sundown today, Rosh Hashana begins, the Jewish New Year. Our hotel is filled with generations of families as they have come to this holy city to celebrate together.
Elevators are filled before they make it to the lobby, and yes, there is one elevator that is under "shabbot control" which means once you're on, you stop on every floor - even if you're the only one on the elevator.
We began our day by walking into the old city of Jerusalem through the Zion Gate. located on the south side of the city. We walked through the winding streets in the early morning to the Upper Room. While often there are many other large groups at the sites we are visiting, this morning, for a few minutes, we were alone in this room. We listened to
the scripture in John's gospel of how Jesus washed the feet of his disicples and gave them a new commandment, "to love one another as I have loved you." After we left this room, we gathered just down the street at a quiet spot and broke bread together - fresh, right out of the oven bagels! Next we walked through the Jewish Quarter and visited the ancient ruins of the "Cardo Maximus" or the main road of Jerusalem in the Roman and Byzantine Periods. In ancient times, stores lined the streets and this was one of the main centers of activity. The same is true today, and I must say, we did our share of shopping in the modern market that is there now.
The Western Wall is always a special part of any trip to the Holy Land and this was no exception for our group. Each of us had written prayers to be taken and placed into the small cracks of the wall. There were hundreds of people praying at the wall today, it was a holy priviledge to be there with others from Jerusalem and literally across the world as we each prayed our individual prayers for ourselves, our families and the world.Caiaphas' House, now the
site of the Church of St. Peter in Gallicantu, was our last stop. Gallicantu means "cock-crow" in Latin and this is the place of Peter's triple denial of Christ. In the courtyard, we listened again to the scripture of Peter's denial. In the quiet of this courtyard and as the wind blew quietly around us, my thoughts turned to those times in which, I too, have denied my Lord. As with Peter, each of us, through God's grace, is offered opportunities to begin anew. Thanks be to God!Shana Tova!
How wonderful that the Red Storm Troopers are in Israel for the New Year. Wish I was with you. Traveling with you via the blog has been great. Shalom